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The Springfield M1911-A1 .45ACP

by Maximus

I'm old school. From workouts in a sweatbox gym to my Mopar, I prefer traditional approaches to life and classic designs. No difference with my choice of sidearms.

Great for personal protection, I've carried a .45 since I was in my late teens.

It has served me well and never failed. Nothing fancy. Just a big bore blued handgun.

The modern Model 1911-A1 is reminiscent of the gun carried by US servicemen throughout the 20th century.

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One of the best pieces of on firearms I’ve ever read. The perfect intersection of passion, expertise, respect and history.

Ultimately the right gun for anyone is the one they are most comfortable and confident with. Not unlike golf - whenever someone asks me what club they should hit I always answer: the one you trust the most.

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