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Max's Immigration Reform Act — A Proposal

Writer's picture: MaxMax

☠️ The Original Outlaw ☠️

Max's plan to tackle our immigration problems. Courtesy of Maximus Premium.

By Max Knight, BA, MA (@Maximus_4EVR)

Legal immigrants coming to Ellis Island.
Legal Immigration is an important aspect of America's greatness. We need to restore it, placing heavy emphasis on eliminating illegal immigration which is economically bankrupting our country.

This was originally published at Maximus Premium. Email to join premium for $25 this month! DM her on X @Roxie_Balboa. Max's Immigration Reform Act - A Proposal. My commonsense ideas which I urge Congress and the President to pursue. No hyperbole, just a series of concise ideas. Feel free to borrow, I just ask that you reference back to my original work. Thank you.

  • Legal Immigration Tied to Unemployment Rates. Rate goes up, Immigration drops. Rate goes down, slight increase in Immigration (caps adjusted accordingly).

  • End Chain Migration by abolishing the preferential system based on family relationships put in place by the left-wing Immigration Act of 1965. This is discriminatory toward non-family immigrants looking for a better life.

  • Background checks and means-testing for immigrants by establishing preferences for those with more education, low health risks, and better economic status (self-sufficient). We should not import social poverty.

  • Alternate preferences on a 2–4-year cycle, spiking Immigration from Europe in the first few years of a decade, then rotating to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Each equally represented with no preferential treatment. Giving no preference to any particular group is truly equitable.

  • Limit Immigration to less than 100K immigrants, per year.

  • Tie Immigration to the US birthrate. When the birthrate drops, immigration drops. This would encourage organizations dependent on immigration for cheap labor, to support policies which encourage marriage and procreating of US families.

  • Link Legal Immigration to Illegal Immigration rates. To encourage countries to control their own borders and prevent illegal migrants from flooding our border, lower legal Immigration caps for countries that are a source of illegals.

  • Have automatic closing of Immigration ports during National Emergencies, such as healthcare scares. If another COVID happens, Immigration Stops. This would discourage abusing "national emergencies". (President Trump has already begun this process. See Executive Order 14157).

  • No Amnesty Ever Policy: Illegal Immigrants are permanently banned from ever obtaining legal status. If you entered illegally in the past, you should never become a citizen. To grant amnesty is to sanction crime.

  • Ban Low-Incoming Housing Ownership by Illegals. No HUD vouchers allowed.

  • Nationwide E-Verify for all businesses, with stiff penalties for those that hire illegals.

  • Instant deportation for those who commit felonies and repeated misdemeanors. No possible pathway to citizenship. We should only desire the finest people living in the US.

  • A twenty-year citizenship process for legal immigrants, which is tied to a robust Americanization process, including higher education, a successful career, and established families, similar to adoption. After all, you are not adopting America, America is adopting you. Thus, you should work to integrate yourself, over time, as you grow into your new family.

  • US Military Officers Training should remain only open to US Citizens. However, legal immigrants who wish to apply and serve for 7 or more years, distinguishing themselves, may obtain a fast-track to citizenship. When the ancient Romans began hiring Germanic tribes to fill positions in the legions, over time they found themselves with a German speaking non-Roman army that hastened their downfall.

  • Naturalized Citizenship granted to legal immigrants can be revoked for violent crimes.

  • Abolish Birthright Citizenship, which is a misinterpretation of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. (President Trump has already begun the process to implement this. See Executive Order 14156).

  • Finish building the Trump Wall, placing it under the authority of the National Guard to "defend it". The Wall and geographic borders of the US need to be interpreted as a "national defense" issue. (President Trump has begun this process in regard to finishing the Wall and defining the border crisis as a national security issue. See Executive Order 14157).

  • Double the size of the Border Patrol and ICE. This is an absolute necessity, as it will take daily arrests and deportations of 7,500 illegals to remove 11 million illegals from the United States over four years.

  • The Border Patrol should become a part of National Guard and placed under DOD, since border security is national defense.

  • To support Border Patrol against encounters with cartels, at least 100K National Guardsmen should be deployed to the US border, as they were during the Mexican Border War of the early 20th century. (President Trump has begun this process. See Executive Order 14153).

  • Congress must make ICE part of the State Department. Along with bringing BP and the Border Wall under the National Guard, this underscores the importance illegal immigration plays in US foreign policy and will prevent future Administrations from not prioritizing US border security.

  • Dissolve the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA; transfer TSA responsibilities to US Marshals.

  • Grant state and local law enforcement the right to "assist" federal Border Agents, by empowering local law enforcement to check Immigration status and requiring that information be reported to ICE. Offer states special funding for this. (President Trump has begun this process. See Executive Order 14161.)

  • Require schools and colleges to report immigration status of children and adult students, as well as prove familial relationships. The exploitation of immigrant kids is real.

  • Give tax cuts to businesses which hire Americans first.

  • Congress must Codify Remain in Mexico, making it the law of the land, and tie Mexican Immigration levels to US Economic Policy and Trade. Mexico to receive Special Treatment with the US, if 1) the Border is Secure and 2) Remain in Mexico functional.

  • Establish a "Send to Canada" passive policy by allowing Asylum Seekers to apply to Canada (currently the US system doesn't allow refugees to apply for Asylum to more than one country). If they can get processed in Canada quicker, send them there.

  • Double the number of Immigration Judge's and detention facilities along the border.

  • Increase penalties for organizations which encourage, support, or falsify relationship status with migrant children. This includes organizations profiting off illegal immigration.

  • US Special Forces to work in Mexico and Latin America; refocus the FBI on organized crime (namely cartels and cartel operations), alongside the Treasury Department, and not to harass honest Americans.

  • Stop legal immigration from countries deemed foreign adversaries to the United States. (President Trump has already begun this process. See Executive Order 14163).

  • Declare Cartels Terrorist Organizations and freeze their assets. (President Trump has done this. See Executive Order 14169).

  • Human-trafficking should be punishable by life in prison.

  • Child trafficking should be a federal capital offense, punishable by death.

  • English should be the official language of the United States, mandated by an act of Congress.

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