☠ The Original Outlaw ☠
By Max Knight (@Maximus_4EVR)
The Original Outlaw™ is Max's exclusive column for members of Maximus Premium. Join premium here. This is Part 3 of an ongoing series for Maximus Premium. Email RoxieBalboa1@gmail.com for more.

A new idea of the Left to undermine the Constitution is working its way up to the top. This is the Left's Plan if Trump Wins Part 3.
As "peaceful protests" rage, House Democrats may seriously consider not certifying the results from states Trump legally wins on November 5th.
This all depends on if Dems win the House back, which they may, and if they win a majority of House delegations, which is unlikely. (More about this on Maximus Premium (email RoxieBalboa1@gmai.com) to join).
If Dems take control of the US House in November, the new Congress is sworn in on January 3rd. Now, this is where it becomes disconcerting. Hold onto your butts....and read along: